Sunday, October 24, 2010

Touched by an Angel

The following experience happened to me on Friday October 22, 2010. I was visiting my friends in Provo, and we were having a great time enjoying one anothers company. Pretty late in the evening I received a phone call from one of my friends I was going to see the next day. I walked outside, and we talked for about half an hour. The conversation we were having brought me down. And I wasn't feeling good about myself. I could almost feel the happiness leaving me as we were talking.

I realized how my mood was changing and I told my friend that I needed to pray. She didn't really want to get off the phone with me sounding the way that I did. But after a few minutes she let go, and we hung up the phone. I sat on the bench thinking about what we had talked about. I didn't really want to go back in to enjoy the rest of the evening with my friends. I wanted to leave and go back home.

I stood up and walked about a hundred yards away, and I found a spot for me to pray. I kneeled down and I poured my heart out to my Heavenly Father. I told Him that I wasn't happy, and that my heart was hurting. I felt lost and afraid, and I was on the verge of tears. The next thing that happened, well, a single, little, leaf fell onto the very top of my head. I pulled the leaf off my head and held it in my hands. I looked at the leaf, and I realized that God cared for me enough to remind me that He knows what I am going through. God made that little leaf fall on my head right when I needed that reminder.

After I came to this realization, I cried. I cried as if He was holding me close to Him. I felt His love so strong for me at this moment. It took me a few minutes to come back to myself. I looked around, and this wonderful peace enfolded me, and a thought came to my mind. 'Everything is going to be ok.' And in my heart I knew that I could not doubt it. Everything is going to be ok. The simple assurance that the Lord is in charge, gave me the strength to go back in to visit with my friends.

I went back in, still with fears in my heart, and with some of the pain that I had received while I was on the phone. But the knowledge that God is in charge, and that He knows how to do His work, gave me courage to go back. I didn't want to talk about what had just happened to my friends. But they could tell that I was struggling with something. I am sure that they care for me a lot. I can't express enough how much they mean to me.

I look back on what happened while I was praying, and there is no doubt that God had that leaf fall on my head. He knew what I was going through, and He comforted me while I was praying. As I was telling this experience to one of my friends later that night, I remember using the phrase, 'I feel like I was touched by an angel.' I still feel like it is a good way to explain it.

I love how the Lord has so many ways to remind me that He really does care for me, that He really does love me. I know His love is infinite, more than I can ever express through words. God is willing to give us wonderful reminders if we are ready to receive them. I know that I needed that reminder, right when it happened. I am so grateful for the strength and knowledge I have gained and learned from this. I know that God wants to be a part of our lives, but we have to let Him in. If we let Him in, 'Everything will be ok.'

I leave these words with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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