Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Slowing Down

Today I went to my institute book of mormon class. I had just come from my calculus class and I wasn't feeling too good (like I might throw up). But when the devotional was being put together. I found myself volunteering to say the opening prayer. During the opening song I really felt like needed to lie down. Once the song was over I stood up and prayed.

I remember praying for the ability to slow down and to feel the spirit, and have the spirit whisper to us what we needed to know from the lesson. I asked for the spirit to continue to be with us for the rest of the day. After I had finished praying I noticed that I didn't feel so sick any more.

I really loved the lesson that my teacher gave us today. He taught us about some of the promises made to the prophets of old. We talked about Enos, Ether, Joseph of Egypt, Nephi (Alma's grandson), Mormon, Moroni, and many others.

We discussed how hard they must have prayed to recieve promises from the Lord. In these promises, the prophets really wanted to have as many people as possible learn about the gospel and live by its teachings. Most of these promises are about one thing. The Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon is truely the word of God. There was no other way we would have had this book except by the Power and Authority from God. Just before Moroni hid the plates in the hill Cumora, he prayed earnestly that the records would be found and be used to teach his brethren the lamanites about the mercy and lovingkindness of the Lord.

Moroni then recieved the promise that the Lamanites would recieve the record in the Lords own due time. I believe that prophecy and promise has come true and is still coming true. There are so many more that need to know about the peace of the Gospel.

When my teacher said that class was over I looked at the clock and couldn't believe that an hour had past. I didn't want it to be over. I loved the feeling of the spirit so strong in my heart. I realized that because I asked for help to slow down, I was able to take so much more in than I usually do.

I know that if we ask for things that will help us feel and understand the spirit of the Lord, He will answer in ways that are new to us. The Lord is wonderful, and He knows each and every one of us, and will answer each of our questions in His own due time.

In short, I love the Lord. I love His spirit. I am so thankful for the ability to pray and to have questions and problems answered in such amazing ways. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I have taken Moroni's challenge several times and each time I take it I recieve a renewed witness that it is true.

In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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