Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thirsting After Righteousness

I had the idea for this post this morning when I was getting ready for school. I got up at about 8:00 and started to get ready to go. For some reason this morning, I had a wonderful feeling like I could do a lot of good today. I thought, I want to do right today. I simply wanted it.

So I went to institute today at 10:30, in my book of mormon class, we discussed 2nd Nephi chapters 5-7. Brother Scott(my teacher) told us at the very biginning of class that it must have been really hard for Nephi because his brothers were trying to take away his life. So the discussion was on agency, saying that God will always allow his children to choose for themselves. I think that Nephi did pray very hard for his brothers not to have such hard hearts, but God will not take away anyone's agency. Even Laman and Lemuels.

We started a list on the board, Nephi at the top of one side, and Laman and Lemuel at the top of the other. Under Nephi's side we listed all of the people who went with him when God commanded Nephi to leave. And under Laman and Lemuel, we put several of the names of everyone who stayed. After doing this we read chaper 5 v. 7-19, and we listed many of the blessings that the Nephites had after they left. and in verse 27, "And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness."

To put it lightly, the nephites lived happily because they chose to do right and to keep the commandments of God. So what does it actually mean to thirst after righteousness. In a sense that came to me during class was that it is wanting and working toward all of the blessings that are promised to the righteous. So being righteous right now, is working towards those blessings and a happy life.

Today I choose to be righteous, and I choose to be happy. In the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

An Eternal Perspective

I remember a while back, I was trying to deal with some of my personal problems. I wasn't doing really well, and I was getting really tired of the temptations from satan that would not stop coming. I was having a hard time keeping an eternal perspective. Later I discovered for myself that it is so much easier to keep the commandments of the Lord if I keep my eternal goals in the front of my mind.

So, yesterday I was having a very difficult day, and satan was taking his opportunity to tempt me. I felt like it was the most I've been tempted in a very very long time. But while I was being tempted, I remembered how far I have come. This thought gave me the courage to keep the commandments, and was the predecessor of my eternal perspective.

My eternal perspective starts with finding my eternal companion, and keeping the commandments so I may be trusted by her forever. Next I want to be worthy to serve the Lord a mission. I have decided that I don't want satan to bring me down into depression about myself and where I am. I want to end up where my Father in Heaven wants me to be. And that is to be with Him forever. I want to be a good example of a worthy member of the church. I want the Lords will to be done in all things for me, because He knows what is best for me at all times, and in all things. I want to keep a strong testimony of this gospel.

I know I have a long way to go to reach all of these personal goals, but I do know that with the Lord, everything is possible. I want the Lord to be by my side for the rest of my life, and for this to work, I have to come to Christ. I am going to get to Christ by diligently studying my scriptures every day, and pray each morning and night. I know that the Lord wants us to be submissive to His will. I pray that I can and will be strong enough to do His will.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yesterday, I was having a hard day. I got through my classes, and I got some homework done. And I was just tired of working. At seven I had a meeting with the rest of the Elders Quorum presidency (yeah, I'm the second counselor), and we were starting to make home teaching assignments to those in our ward. I remember that I was doing well and I felt the spirit and I did feel somewhat better.

The thought at the beginnning of the meeting was about idleness. If Satan is going to get those of us who are strong in the gospel, he will use idleness. The way he will start is by getting us to be lax in our scripture study, and in our prayers. If we do slow down our study and our prayers, so to speak, we will lose a greater portion of the spirit.

After the meeting, I went to the library to do some calculus homework. I think I only got about fifteen problems done in the hour I was there. I couldn't focus very well. I came back to my dorm and I started playing on the computer. While I was playing I remembered the thought we had at the presidency meeting. And I realized that I was still feeling down about myself. So I turned off my computer and started reading my scriptures. I started to feel a little better, and then I got down on my knees in prayer.

In my prayer, I recognized the spirit of the Lord in most of the things I had done during the day. I finally pinpointed why I was feeling down. I was not recognizing the Lord in the things happening throughout the day. I was being selfish. I asked forgiveness for my sins of not remembering Him. I realize now that I need more humility, to be more aware of the Lord and all that He does for me.

After I had prayed and I started getting ready for bed, I could the feel the spirit more that I had the entire day.

I pray that this experience will show a little more about what humility is and why it is required.

In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Testimony Growing

To begin with this post, I am finally off to college. Happy day. :D I have learned that the ability to work can make a big difference to anything I'm doing. (Especially Homework.) I have been down here for just over a month and I have done a lot of new things.

Last week I was asked to give a talk in Sacrament meeting about the scripture, 1 Nephi 15:25. I must say that I prepared for a while before getting the talk finished. I didn't really know that the Sacrament meeting would be the ward conference and that the Stake Presidency would be there. But I gave my talk anyway, and I think I did a good job.

Later that evening I went to the CES Fireside with Elder Richard G. Scott. Just as the fireside was starting I recieved a phone call from one of the stake presidency asking me to meet with them just after the fireside. I said ok, and I felt a little tense during the rest of the fireside.

I went to meet with them after the fireside was over, and I was really suprised to be extended a calling. (I will share what the calling is in the next post.) When I came back to the dorms I was just really happy, and some of my friends could tell. :D

Over the past few days I have been evaluating my testimony of the gospel and I have come to realize that the Lord has had his hand in my life for a long time. I know that He will guide me in this calling. He qualifies those He calls. So I know that He will be with me to strengthen me with each thing he requires.

I know that Jesus is the Christ. He is my Savior. I know that He was the only one who could have finished the infinite atonement. I thank Him for all He has done for me.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.