Monday, April 26, 2010


I have found it really interesting that we do a lot of things that prepare us for something else. I work for construction and I seem to do a lot of preping for all the projects we work on. eg; preping steel beams for paint, sweeping the floor for final inspection, or just getting ready for the days work.

But today, I would like to focus on the fact that everything we do and go through, each and every day is preparation for us to meet God. We make choices each day and we will be held accountable for our choices when we finally meet God at the judgement seat.

In a way, preparation is just getting us some place where we will do more preparation for something else. Our preparation builds upon itself until it is complete. Wherewith I will keep studying my scriptures and keep on preparing myself until that final day.

The trials we face are, in a sense, a preparation for some later trial that you wouldn't have been able to stand if you hadn't had the first one. So we need to look at our trials with gratitude. When we choose the right through our trials, the Lord will bless us because we are showing our love for him. He loves us and wants us to succeed.

Almost everything in life worth recieving is in need of preparation. I am still preparing for the blessing of going through the temple to recieve my endowment. I want to have the Lord in my life so I can be blessed, and share the blessings by sharing my testimony.

I know that the Lord, Jesus Christ lives. He has atoned for my sins. He loves me. I know that Joseph Smith restored the gospel in these the latter days. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, I have recieved personnal revelation to know these things.

May the Lord bless and keep you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Diligence means to have constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken. Is your best effort earnest and constant? I know mine hasn't been. But trying to be diligent in the small things every day makes a big difference over time. I really liked what Nephi said in 2 Nephi 4:16 "Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard." Wow, Nephi knew the definition diligence, and lived it.

Recently I have decided to read the Book of Mormon for at least half an hour every day. I know that I have felt the spirit more in the last two weeks. Being diligent in this task has not been easy. "If I don't make time to read my scriptures, I won't have time." I have taken this task upon me and I hope to be a better person for it.

I would like to turn this challenge to you. Make some time to read and ponder the scriptures. I have also noticed that if you keep a journal and pen at the ready personal revelation comes easier.

Being diligent requires making a decision and acting on it. I made the decision to read the scriptures and now I am going to do my best to be diligent and consistent with it.

May the good Lord bless and keep you.